Round 8 (Fri, September 20)
The tee sheet has not yet been released to the league portal.
Confirmed Players (49)
Aaron Brown
Andrew Black
Bernie Klamecki
Brian Wilman
Bryan Lindgren
Cassie Prohaska
Catie Pfeifer
Chris Andreski
Chris Seibel
Gina Hatt
James Emanuele
Jason Hoelz
Jean Andreski
Jill Bartling
Jill Wilman
Jim Pfeifer
Joe Klamecki
Kelly Carroll
Lauren Hoelz
Lindsay Wallace
Lisa Pulte
Luke Kopp
Matt Prohaska
Megan Black
Melissa Egan
Michelle Debacco
Morgan Emanuele
Natalie Brown
Nick Droessler
Patrice Seibel
Patrick Carroll
Patrick Fetherston
Rebecca Verhagen
Rob Bartling
Sara Kaminski
Sarah Droessler
Scott DeBacco
Scott Sonnenberg
Sean Egan
Stacie Lindgren
Steve Dethloff
Steve Schmidt
Steve Verhagen
Tara Sonnenberg
Tim Pulte
Tricia Fetherston
Virginia Klamecki
Vivian Dethloff
Wendy Schmidt