Pius 30th High School Reunion Night Golf & Social


Local? In town early? Want to just come and heckle people coming off the course? Join us for a one-of-kind event as we kick off celebrating 30 years of adult life with a PRE-REUNION Friday night social event. (The ACTUAL Reunion is SATURDAY night, sign up will be coming out soon!)  


Why Night Golf? In true 80's fashion, we present you with the


Top 10 Reasons That Night Golf > Day Golf

10) You finally have something to do with the half-used package of glow sticks you just found in your kitchen junk drawer.

9) You are worried that your classmates may judge you for your wrinkles after 30 years and now no one will see them because it's dark.

8) Cheating is not only easier, it's acceptable and encouraged.

7) No Sunscreen Required!

6) You like the smell of bug spray. Deet...yummy.  

5) You can blame your suckish golf game on the fact that it's dark out. 

4) Another chance to pop those collars.  

3) You probably have never done it before, and let's face it, none of us are getting any younger. YOLO baby!

2) It will prove to you that all things are possible, you know, like a LADY POPE? 

1) When you "give it a yell, give it a yell, give it a good substanial yell," at least you can yell FORE!  


Not a golfer? No worries. It's a scramble, so you only have to try once and if you don't like your shot, play someone else's ball. No one is good at night golf. For God's sake, it's freakin' dark out. 


Don't have clubs or traveling and don't want to bring them? Lucky lucky you, you can rent them from the course. Please choose this option on the registration form. Please note that you can get the "premium clubs" for an extra few bucks...let us again remind you that it will be dark out and it probably won't matter, but you do you, fancy pants. You will select the club rental option in Step 3 of the registration process....patience, Puppet. (That was a Mrs. Doubtfire reference, an early 90's classic.) 



Still not convinced? Okay, fine. Come hang out and feel free to sign up for the social only, which will include appetizers and 2 drink coupons. Cash bar available. The cost for this option is $25 per person. 


But seriously---SPACE FOR GOLF IS LIMITED. We will be golfing in fivesomes if necessary, so you can sign up as a group or you can sign up individually and the course will assign you a group. 60 people is the LIMIT we can have on the course. If there is a lot of other interest, we will do our best to A) Start a wait list or B) Talk to the course about setting up more holes. 


Once we hit 30 people, we'll extend registration up until the week before the reunion. 
If we do not get at least 30 people to sign up we will issue refunds and we'll come up with someplace to meet. 


What if it rains? Boo. Let's hope not. If it rains and we have to cancel, Western Lakes will issue you a rain check for a regular 9 holes of golf and we will still do appetizers and drinks as planned. We know this is not ideal, but refunds are complicated and if you cannot use your raincheck, you can give it to a friend/family member OR donate it back to Pius to use in one of their upcoming raffle/auction events or you can gift it to one of your favorite Pi Hi X I teachers. If they taught us, they are probably retired by now and have lots of time to golf. 


Friday September 27,2019

5:30 - 7:30 Appetizers & Pre-Round Beverages
(arrive anytime but be ready to golf at 7:30)

7:30(ish) Shotgun Start (6-hole loop)

9:30 Cocktails & Social 


$70 Price Includes:

  • Appetizers before golf*
  • 6 hole night golf round
  • 2 night golf balls (More will be available for sale) 
  • 2 drink tickets*
  • $5 contribution to the prize/decoration fund


*If you choose the golf option, this is INCLUDED so do not also choose the appetizer/drink only option unless you are signing up someone else that is not golfing at the same time. 


Click Here for Directions to Western Lakes Golf Club in Pewaukee.


Click Here for directions on how to be good at Night Golf. Just kidding, that's not a hyperlink.  


QUESTIONS? Email Lynnette (Ellington) Kalmadge, lkalmadge@gmail.com or call 262 613-1798.