Price/Payment - There are 3 Registration Options for EACH guest night

June 28th and/or July 12th - OPEN TO LEAGUE MEMBERS AND PUBLIC

  • Fish Only per Couple (League Members) - $45 per night
  • Golf Only per Couple (Non-League Members) - $50 per night
  • Golf & Fish Fry per Couple (Non-League Members) - $95 per night



$50.00 for the entire registration
2 Golfers Unlimited
$95.00 for the entire registration
2 Golfers Unlimited
$45.00 for the entire registration
2 Golfers Unlimited
$50.00 for the entire registration
2 Golfers Unlimited
$95.00 for the entire registration
2 Golfers Unlimited
$45.00 for the entire registration
2 Golfers Unlimited