2024 Fall Junior Clinic Options & Schedule


Beginner (+) Fall Clinics:

Days of the week: Sundays

1.5 hours per session, 2 weekly sessions- $65 per junior

3.0 hours total instruction (Max 10 students per class; 2 classes)

 Features Instruction, and games.


This class is designed for students who were in our Beginner program, and would simply like some more JR Golf!

The beginner program runs for seven weeks. So, it’s nice to think about this clinic as week 8, and week 9. These are much small groups, and allows for better one-on-one time for the students.

Please understand this class can also serve as a kickstart of JR Golfers interested in golf as well. With younger golfers, we focus a substantial amount of time on the fundamentals of the swing, and this doesn’t change in this clinic either.


                           Beginner (+): Session 1: 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM; 9/8, 9/15; Rain Date 9/22

                           Beginner (+): Session 2: 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM; 9/8, 9/15; Rain Date 9/22





Intermediate (+) Fall Jr Clinics

Days of the week: Sundays

3.0 hours per session, 2 weekly sessions - $135 per junior

6.0 hours total instruction (Max 24 students, 1 Class)


 Features Instruction, Games & On-the Course Play



This class is designed for students who were in our Intermediate program and would like to keep the ball rolling into fall, and not just stop golf altogether.

 We consider this clinic an extension of the JR Program, and we will be recapping many important topics covered throughout the JR Golf Program.

This class again will be much smaller than the summer JR Program, and should allow more opportunity for one-on-one teaching and coaching.


                                               Intermediate (+)  Sunday - 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM;  9/8, 9/15

                                                          Rain Date: 9/22 4:00 pm -7:00 PM




1 Day - Fall Flash Intermediate Clinics

Days of the week: Thursday or Saturday

3.5 hours session, 1 class - $75 per junior (max 24 Students, 4 options)

 Features Instruction, Games & On-the Course Play

These 1 - Day clinics are designed for students who participated in our intermediate program, or students who have some history of golf. Students who finished the beginner program and are interested in the intermediate program are also encouraged to participate.  Students who are new to golf but might be a bit older are also encouraged to participate!

These 1-Day Clinics are complete sessions where the students will get detailed instruction on Full swing, putting, chipping, and pitching.

We will then spend time on-course time where we will guide the students through playing holes, reading greens, and learning how to play the game golf.

We encourage students to sign up for multiple days if they are able.


               FULL  Option 1: Thursday - September 12th – 4 pm – 7:30 pm; Rain Date: September 19th - 4 pm – 7:30 pm

                 Option 2: Saturday - September 14th – 4 pm – 7:30 pm; Rain Date: September 21th - 4 pm – 7:30 pm

              FULL   Option 3: Thursday - September 26th – 4 pm – 7:30 pm; Rain Date: October 3rd - 4 pm – 7:30 pm

                 Option 4: Saturday - September 28th – 4 pm – 7:30 pm; Rain Date: October 5th  - 4 pm – 7:30 pm